Página sobre Membresía:
Forma parte de DMAHL por solo $25 al año para apoyar la misión de DMAHL en preservar la historia México-Americana en Dallas, Texas.
Niveles de Membresía
Estudiante ($5)
Individual ($25)
Corporativa ($500)
Membresía de Por Vida
Individual ($300)
Si desea involucrase más, los invitamos a unirse en un comité y como integrante activo de DMAHL puede ser parte de nuestro Consejo. Los invitamos a participar en nuestras reuniones mensuales, que se llevan a cabo los últimos sábados de cada mes, de 10 am a 12 pm. Favor de contactar a Albert Valtierra a través de albertv66@yahoo.com para recibir la liga de Zoom de nuestra reunión mensual virtual.
Beneficios de la Membresía:
Ayudar a preservar la historia de los barrios de Dallas.
Participar en la recolección de la historia oral de los primeros pobladores México- Americanos en Dallas, Texas
Recolectar fotos de las familias, veteranos, y organizaciones.
Compartir esta historia con la comunidad de Dallas, a través de exposiciones.
Dirige tus preguntas relacionadas sobre membresía al Encargado de Membresías, Joe Valdez en pajose65@yahoo.com
¿Prefieres renovar o unirte a través de correo?
Complete el formato de membresía y envíelo a la dirección de abajo con su pago:
DMAHL Membership
PO Box 181885
Dallas, TX 75218
In Recognition and With Appreciation - DMAHL miembro de por vida
Frank Bravo
"I am a lifetime member of DMAHL because my parents, Mary Ann Nolasco, Marcelo J. Bravo, my grandparents, Virginia Bravo, Socorro López, Jesús G. Nolasco, as well as great-grandparents, Juan López and Anita Sosa all lived in the Barrio of Little México. Remember that any wealth or success you achieve, others have paved the path for you and these are a few of my ancestors who have done that for our family."
Dr. Catalina Garcia
"Because USA history, in the main, is recounted from the majority population’s point of view, the existence and contributions of the different groups /ethnicities that actually make up our country go untold and undocumented for posterity. I realized that DMAHL was making an important contribution to preserving the history of the Hispanic/Latino inhabitants of
Dallas so I have eagerly supported and applauded all the actions, time and energy put forth by its membership. Without this organization, there would be a huge omission in the history of Dallas county."
Bill Betzen
"It is obvious DMAHL is led by dedicated historians. I saw that repeatedly as I attended Board meetings. Their work reinforced the family history recording my middle school students were exploring and recording since 2005 in the School Time Capsule Project at Quintanilla Middle School. Now Quintanilla is among the 3 highest achieving middle schools in Dallas ISD. That is the power of history."
All DMAHL Lifetime Members
Ruben A. Arellano
Jorge Baldor
Bill Betzen
Hasani Burton
Gloria Bowden
Frank Bravo
Roberto Calderon, PhD
Mary Elizabeth Cedillo Pereira
David Contreras
Victoria Ferrell Ortiz
Paul Fuller
Catalina E. Garcia, M.D.
Rocio C. Garcia
Trini Garza - In Memorium
Albert J. Gonzalez
Frances M. Gonzalez
Elizabeth Gunby
Rosemary Valtierra Hinojosa
Augustine Jalomo
Delia Jasso
Albert Mata
Alex Martinez
Robert Martinez
Richard A. Marquez
Virginia McClary Martinez
Ernestina Pinoñes
Ray Quintanilla
Robert Ramirez
Maria Cristina Romero
Lydia Delgado Simpson
Jesse Tafalla Jr. - In Memorium
Nellie Tafalla
David Treviño
Albert Valtierra
Susan P. Vega